Russian expert Dimitry Drutsa has just released a book on Cuban cigars, a laudable effort to catalogue vintage Cuban cigars for the Russian smoker.
Cigar Club: Kinlonz 1492
The Cigar Club Kinlonz 1492 not only impresses with its selection of vintage cigars, but also with its accessible exclusivity.
Cuban Cigar Website Suffers Complete Data Loss, Now Offline, the biggest online data base of cuban cigars, is offline after suffering a complete data loss on December 7, 2016. Website manager Alexander Groom disclosed the reason to be corrupted backup files on the servers and said that the lost files are not retrievable.
Are We Ruining Our Palates by Smoking New Cigars Far Too Young?
In this vintage column, Nick Hammond asks whether we’re going about it all wrong when it comes to smoking, tasting and evaluating our cigars. Are we slaves of fast consumption?
First 2016 C.Gars Vintage Havana Cigar Online Auction Now Open
This will be the 17th Cigar Auction from C.Gars since the auction department was established in 2009. Almost 300 Lots of Vintage, Mature, Pre Embargo, Davidoff, Dunhill and Limited Edition Havana cigars will be auctioned off this time.
Who are the Buyers of High-Priced Vintage Cigars?
The vintage cigar market can be an enigmatic place, with players unwilling to reveal their sources, collections or investments for fear of alerting their competitors. With some information from a few specialists, Nick Hammond found out that vintage buyers can be divided into two distinct groups.
What are the Influencing Factors of a Cigar’s Aging Potential?
Here is an overview of the factors that contribute to the aging potential of a cigar according to Luigi Ferri, whose considerations are based on over 30 years of experience in the tasting of cigars of various ages.
What Happens to Tobacco During the Aging Process?
These are the major organoleptic characteristics developed by chemical and physical changes in cigars during the refinement in an airtight storage.
The Stages of Cigar Aging – From Fresh to Vintage
The typical smoker of aged and vintage cigars is one who appreciates the value of time and the delicacy in the works of art that a manufacturer can create. This article compiles opinions and information published from some of the world’s leading experts on the topic of cigar aging.
Vintage Havanas – What Makes them Collectable?
Finding cigars with high collection potential presents a challenge, even for Simon Chase. In this article he let us know what exactly makes vintage cigars real collectibles and talks about his expert knowledge on past cigar auctions.
Why Spend $2,000 on a Cigar?
Why would anyone be prepared to spend this much money on a cigar, particularly when it is over 50 years old? Is there any way that such extravagance could be justified? The venue was the outdoor cigar terrace at Boisdale’s Restaurant in London’s Belgravia district. The event was the third auction of aged and vintage cigars organised by C.Gars Ltd.
Tasting: A Decade of EdiciĂłnes Limitadas
We know them. We see them in every cigar store. But now, there have been ten years of EdiciĂłnes Limitadas. It is time to review the past decade with a tasting.