The vintage cigar market can be an enigmatic place, with players unwilling to reveal their sources, collections or investments for fear of alerting their competitors. With some information from a few specialists, Nick Hammond found out that vintage buyers can be divided into two distinct groups.
What Makes Spanish Cedarwood the Top Choice of Cigar Manufacturers?
It’s a well-known fact that Spanish cedarwood is the top choice of cigar manufacturers when it comes to packaging and storing cigars. But why exactly is the fragrant wood an industry favorite for humidor paneling and cigar boxes?
A Burning Issue: Lighter Maintenance
A well-functioning lighter is essential for a perfect start to smoking a premium cigar. Kurt Van Keppel, CEO and founder of XIKAR, shared some tips on good lighter performance.
Head of ANT Juan Martínez about the Cigar Boom in Nicaragua
The cigar industry in Nicaragua continues to grow and create jobs for the people of Estelí. The industry’s figures are now within reach of those of the Dominican Republic. Cigar Journal spoke to Juan Martínez, head of Asociación Nicaragüense de Tabacaleros (ANT) and executive president of Joya de Nicaragua.
Woermann Cigars: 125 Years of Corporate History
Woermann Cigars has an eventful corporate history behind it. This year, the german company is celebrating its 125th anniversary, and, with it, a success story in the German tobacco industry.
How to Build Your Own Walk-In Humidor – Part One
For cigar geeks, the path from table humidor to cabinet humidor is basically predestined. And because it is an unwritten rule that sooner or later every humidor becomes a bit too small, the idea of a walk-in humidor is suddenly not so far-fetched after all.
Discussing the International Family Company Villiger With Heinrich Villiger
The Swiss cigar manufacturer Heinrich Villiger has not only shaped the company Villiger Söhne for over 60 years, but also acquired a knowledge of tobacco that is unparalleled. We sat down with him for an interview on the occasion of his 85th birthday.