Order Cigar Journal


With Cigar Journal in your portfolio, you offer your customers a publication that has been cigar-focused for over 20 years and is known for its breaking news, in-depth features, and exclusive reporting from inside the cigar world. In addition, in each of our quarterly issues we test over 60 cigars in blind tastings, offering cigar smokers a behind-the-scenes look into new lines and brands and revisiting industry classics.

Services for Retailers

When you sign on as a Cigar Journal partner retailer, we’ll send you information on the results of our current tastings as well as the content of our new issue – well before that issue hits store shelves. Our Cigar Shop Finder helps readers find cigar shops and lounges around the world, listing over 8,000 retailers in North America and Europe. As a Cigar Journal-approved cigar retailer, you’ll receive a free expanded entry on the Cigar Shop Finder.

Get in Touch

We would be happy to send you further information on our special offerings for members of the trade. Send us an email: [email protected]. We look forward to welcoming you as a Cigar Journal retailer!




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