Principle Cigars is proud to present the collaboration of five living legends whose collective work has shaped the premium cigar landscape.
E.P. Carrillo Begins Shipping Limited 15 Year Anniversary Cigar
E.P. Carrillo announces the first shipments of its 15 Year Anniversary Cigar to retailers today, a cigar crafted to celebrate the brand’s remarkable journey since its inception.
The Return of Machu Picchu Cigars
Machu Picchu Cigars is making a grand return with a fresh partnership and renewed craftsmanship.
J.C. Newman Cigar Co. Ships Final 2024 Release of Yagua
This week, J.C. Newman Cigar Co. is shipping the final release of the year of its famous Yagua cigars. A total of 1,850 boxes of Yagua are being shipped to almost 500 premium cigar retailers in 46 states. “It continues to shock me that Yagua has developed a cult-like following,” said fourth-generation owner Drew Newman. “I didn’t make…
Tatuaje La Riqueza SE 2024
The La Riqueza SE 2024 is a Cazadores sized (6 3/8 x 44) La Riqueza in two different wrappers, Connecticut Broadleaf Rosado and TUXTLA San Andrés Rosado.
Davidoff Honoring the Year of the Snake
In addition to the Year of the Snake Limited Edition lancero cigar, Davidoff will launch a Masterpiece Humidor with an exclusive gran toro cigar, an accessories gift set and a Year of the Snake Flagship Edition toro cigar available in very limited quantities.
Full house at Essenze Ambrosya release in Budapest
The Déryné Bistro in central Budapest was packed on Monday night, when Continental Cigars officially launched their latest addition to the Essenze Titans line.
Oliva Cigars: Year of the Snake
Oliva Cigars is proud to introduce the Oliva Year of the Snake – a limited-edition release to celebrate the Chinese New Year.
VegaFina Year of the Snake 2025
VegaFina presents its eagerly awaited Chinese New Year special edition to its passionados.
Inspiración Familiar Limited Edition
El Galan Cigars presents the Inspiración Familiar Limited Edition, a tribute to the Mesa family’s legacy of tobacco craftsmanship spanning three generations.
League of Fat Bastards Unveils New Serie O Cigar Line
League of Fat Bastards (LOFB), known for donating 40% of its profits to men’s mental health initiatives, proudly announces the launch of its second line—the Serie O, complementing the Serie L launched earlier this year.
Foundation Cigars Starts Shipping 2024 Highclere Castle Senetjer
Foundation Cigar Company is proud to announce the return of the Highclere Castle Senetjer as an annual limited release.