Author Archives: Kurt Bradley

A “Snowed In” Esteban Carreras Cigar Event in Toronto, Canada

A “Snowed In” Esteban Carreras Cigar Event in Toronto, Canada

Blended by former Cuban Minister of Agriculture, Gonzalo Puentes in Estelí, Nicaragua, Esteban Carreras was founded 18 years ago by American Craig Cunningham who met Puentes while in Nicaragua. 

Integra Boost at PCA

Vaughn Fitzgerald, National Sales Director for Integra Boost is a Las Vegas native, so his morning commute to the PCA Expo was a mere 20 minutes away in Henderson.

Integra Boost are one of two industry-leading tobacco humidity pack brands exhibiting at this year’s Expo, with available sizing that ranges from sugar packet-like 80mm sticks, ideal for 1-4 cigars, to a large 420g format for lager humidors.

Vaughn sings praises of Integra’s salt-free approach to their products, that is claimed to more effectively preserve the intended aroma of a cigar that has been tucked away to age for extended periods of time.



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