Publication Details



Cigar Journal, LLC 5600 NW 72nd Ave, Miami, PO Box 162300 | Miami, Florida 33116-9977 U.S.A.


For sales in EUR: Select Media GmbH, Wiener Strasse 134, 3400 Klosterneuburg, FN 356604 v, E-Mail: [email protected]

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Administration Offices

Cigar Journal, LLC, U.S.A. Cigar Journal Latin America S.A., Panama

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Samuel Spurr | [email protected]

Editorial Office Germany

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Nick Hammond | [email protected]

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Guillaume Tesson | [email protected]

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Simon Lundh | [email protected]

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International Editorial Coordination

[email protected]


Editor in Chief (Print), Katja Gnann | [email protected] Online Editor,  Franziska Urban | [email protected]


Joyce Cellars | USA Cornelia Essig | Switzerland Elisa Garzón | Austria Andrea Schellner | Austria Lena Schotkowsky | Sweden My Huê McGowran | Portugal

Subscription & Retailer Services

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Ad Sales

Airpage AG, Switzerland | [email protected]



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