Cigar Sense is a platform that helps customers to eliminate expensive guesswork when choosing new cigars. With their innovative online service, offering personalized expert advice on which cigars best suit a consumer’s unique tastes, makes it easier to explore the world of cigars.
Job: Test Smoker at Partagás
Cuban manufacturers rely on test smokers, called catadores, to perform quality control. We spoke with Gerardo Álamo Gómez, usually responsible for machines and electronics at Partagás and one of twelve Partagás test smokers, and we were able to take part in a tasting session.
Tasting: A Decade of Ediciónes Limitadas
We know them. We see them in every cigar store. But now, there have been ten years of Ediciónes Limitadas. It is time to review the past decade with a tasting.