Franca Comparetto, co-founder of Cigar Sense Inc. and tobacco veteran Claudio Sgroi, Master Blender and founder of CST Consulting, announced a collaboration to provide a unique service that will assist manufacturers in optimizing their resources.
Cigar Sense launches a Product Excellence Awards program
Cigar Sense Inc. create program to recognize premium cigars which consistently deliver excellent quality and high degree of fit to a majority of consumers’ preferences.
Interview with Cigar Ambassador Awardee Franca Comparetto
Franca Comparetto, founder of Cigar Sense and Cigar Trophy laureate, sits down with Cem Erten and talks about female cigar smokers and women’s role in the cigar industry.
Cigar Sense: An Online Advisory for Cigar Lovers
Cigar Sense is an online advisory service that helps consumers traverse the cigar universe with greater ease by matching their tastes with recommended cigars.
Here is Why Cigars and Champagne go Well Together
Some cigar lovers may want to avoid hard spirits, but they still might indulge the pleasure of a little bit of alcohol. For them, champagne and cigars can represent a perfect pairing option.
Cigar Sense Now Offers Free Trial For Service to Find New Cigars Suiting Personal Taste
Cigar Sense is a platform that helps customers to eliminate expensive guesswork when choosing new cigars. With their innovative online service, offering personalized expert advice on which cigars best suit a consumer’s unique tastes, makes it easier to explore the world of cigars.
About the Biases at Work When Smoking Cigars
No cigar is the same and our brain constructs the flavors that we believe we perceive. So, all of us who describe cigars, what do we describe in reality?