Author Archives: Franca Comparetto

Cigar Sense

How do a Cigar’s Construction Flaws Relate to Off-Flavors?

How do a Cigar’s Construction Flaws Relate to Off-Flavors?

The Construction Imperative, a Myth? Franca Comparetto analyzes tasting data to show how construction quality and ash characteristics relate to off-flavors.

lighting up a cigar with cedar shavings

What is Necessary to Become a Cigar Sommelier?

Some fellow aficionados have asked us what someone needs to do to become an expert in cigar tasting. Typically this role is referred to as cigar sommelier (or Catador). In this article we’ll attempt to explore the recommended preparations on the path to becoming a cigar sommelier.

Cigar Bundles Aging in Storage

The Stages of Cigar Aging – From Fresh to Vintage

The typical smoker of aged and vintage cigars is one who appreciates the value of time and the delicacy in the works of art that a manufacturer can create. This article compiles opinions and information published from some of the world’s leading experts on the topic of cigar aging.



By pressing the ‘I AM OF LEGAL AGE’ button, I agree that I am of legal age for smoking and drinking in my country.