Tag Archives: Cigar Flavor

Cigar Sense

How do a Cigar’s Construction Flaws Relate to Off-Flavors?

How do a Cigar’s Construction Flaws Relate to Off-Flavors?

The Construction Imperative, a Myth? Franca Comparetto analyzes tasting data to show how construction quality and ash characteristics relate to off-flavors.

froehlich kellner tasting tobacco chemical elements ashtray

Cigar Sense Now Offers Free Trial For Service to Find New Cigars Suiting Personal Taste

Cigar Sense is a platform that helps customers to eliminate expensive guesswork when choosing new cigars. With their innovative online service, offering personalized expert advice on which cigars best suit a consumer’s unique tastes, CigarSense.com makes it easier to explore the world of cigars.



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