In this vintage column, Nick Hammond asks whether we’re going about it all wrong when it comes to smoking, tasting and evaluating our cigars. Are we slaves of fast consumption?
What are the Influencing Factors of a Cigar’s Aging Potential?
Here is an overview of the factors that contribute to the aging potential of a cigar according to Luigi Ferri, whose considerations are based on over 30 years of experience in the tasting of cigars of various ages.
What Happens to Tobacco During the Aging Process?
These are the major organoleptic characteristics developed by chemical and physical changes in cigars during the refinement in an airtight storage.
The Stages of Cigar Aging – From Fresh to Vintage
The typical smoker of aged and vintage cigars is one who appreciates the value of time and the delicacy in the works of art that a manufacturer can create. This article compiles opinions and information published from some of the world’s leading experts on the topic of cigar aging.
Regular is Extraordinary – Aged Classic vs. Limited Production Cigars
Cigar Aging. When offered the choice between an aged classic cigar or a limited production cigar Colin C. Ganley feels a moral call to choose the classic.