The method used for rolling a cigar affects its burn and draw characteristics. In this article, we’ll have a look at the different techniques used to bunch a cigar.
Charity & Cigars – The Generous Passion
Cigar lovers and makers provide jobs, relief and charity on a massive scale. This group has a tremendous impact on the living standards of poor regions and is sending more poor kids from the regions to college than have ever gone before.
Estelí – The Cigar City
A thriving tobacco industry transformed the former Nicaraguan farming town of Estelí into a Mecca for cigar smokers.
Tabacalera Incorporada – The Filipino Tabacalera
With the recent launch of the Gran Reserva and a new USA distribution deal, the Philippines’ oldest cigar manufacturer, Tabacalera Incorporada, is intent on returning to global prominence.
Comparative Test: One Vitola – Three Types of Storage
What are the effects of storage on a cigar? Our humidor expert Marc André presented three identical but completely differently stored cigars to 45 testers.
El Laguito – Havana’s Most Beautiful Cigar Factory
Who’s the fairest one of all? Snow White’s evil stepmother had to look into a mirror for reassurance that she was the fairest in the land. There’s no question, however, which cigar factory is Havana’s most beautiful: without a doubt, it’s El Laguito.
Boutique Cigars: Pete Johnson’s first Decade with Tatuaje
From musician to cigar sommelier to cigar maker: there’s never a dull moment in the life of Pete Johnson. It has been a fairly wild ride as he approaches his 10th year as a cigar manufacturer.