Cigar News

Dion Giolito with Cigar

Illusione: Cigars We Desire

Illusione: Cigars We Desire

Dion Giolito has set fire to the industry with one successful cigar brand after another. His cigars seem to have the ability to appeal to us and produce exactly the cigars we desire.

The P&L Club Cohiba

Asia’s Largest Cigar Company: Pacific Cigar Company

Established in 1992 by Mr. David Tang, the Pacific Cigar Company (PCC) is the official Habanos S.A. distributor for the Asia-Pacific region. Geographically it is one of the largest, supplying Habanos cigars to 37 countries..

heinrich villiger cigar journal lifetime achievement award ecj trophy 2009

Heinrich Villiger Honored for Lifetime Achievement

Following the awards ceremony in New Orleans, twelve more honours were awarded during InterTabac 2009 in Dortmund. Heinrich Villiger earned heartly applause by the audience as he accepted the Cigar Trophy Lifetime Achievement 2009 for his impressive life’s work.

carlos diez don rolando reyes cigar journal lifetime achievement award ecj trophy 2010

Don Rolando Reyes Honored for Lifetime Achievement

Rolando Reyes Sr. embodies the term “old school” and is known as a cigar legend by his peers and loyal customers around the world. This year, the “World’s most talented cigar maker” was awarded by Cigar Journal for his impressive life’s work.

Honduras Tabakfeld

Tabak Provenienz: Honduras

In this series, we are presenting the most important growing regions for cigar tobacco. As it is generally known, tobacco is only grown in clearly defined regions featuring a favorable climate and the corresponding type of soil.



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