Here is the complete list of our Top 25 Cigars of 2021.
Cigar Journal’s Top 25 Cigars Of 2021: #7 To #2
Today we are revealing the six cigars ranking from positions 7 to 2.
Top 25 Cigars of 2019: The Complete List
Here is the complete list of our Top 25 Cigars of 2019. They can also be downloaded as a PDF (US-letter or A4 format), or a JPG.
Top 25 Cigars of 2018: The Complete List
Here are the Top 25 cigars of 2018, selected by the Cigar Journal Tasting panel. They’re the cigars that have impressed our experts the most. Cigars that you should, by all means, try.
Cigar Journal’s Top 25: Cigar of the Year 2018
At the end of the year, we traditionally use the occasion to select those cigars that have remained in our memory. Here’s our Cigar of the Year 2018.
Cigar Journal’s Top 25 Cigars of 2018: #7 to #2
Each year, our tasting panel members smoke hundreds of cigars. In mid-December, we will publish our Top 25 cigars of the year 2018. Here are our picks from #7 to #2.
Cigar Journal’s Top 25 Cigars of 2018: #13 to #8
At the end of the year, we traditionally use the occasion to select those cigars that have remained in our memory. Here are our picks for the Top 25 Cigars of 2018: #13 to #8.
Cigar Journal’s Top 25 Cigars of 2018: #19 to #14
Each year, our tasting panel members smoke hundreds of cigars. Here are our picks for the Top 25 Cigars of 2018: #19 to #14.
Cigar Journal’s Top 25 Cigars of 2018: #25 to #20
At the end of the year, we traditionally use the occasion to select those cigars that have remained in our memory. Here are our picks for the Top 25 Cigars of 2018: #25 to #20.
Top 25 Cigars 2018: Countdown to the Cigar of the Year
Each year, our tasting panel members smoke hundreds of cigars. In mid-December, we will publish our Top 25 cigars of the year 2018.
Top 25 Cigars of 2017: The Complete List
Here is the complete list of our favorites among the cigars we smoked for review in 2017. We recommend that you get your hand on these and … enjoy!
Cigar Journal’s Top 25: Cigar of the Year 2017
For this year’s Top 25, we asked our panelists to pick their personal favorites from the tastings of 2017. Our Cigar of the Year comes from Nicaragua.