In celebration of its 50th anniversary, Cuba’s best-known cigar brand, Cohiba, released three cigars: the Cohiba 50 Aniversario, the Cohiba Majestuosos 1966, and the Cohiba Medio Siglo. The latter is the first new vitola to join the Siglo series since 2002. Siglo means “century” in Spanish, and each format in the series, ranging from Siglo I to Siglo VI, represents a century in Cuba’s history. Medio Siglo means “half century,” and the Petit Robusto’s dimensions pay tribute to the Siglo series’ two most popular vitolas: it has the Siglo I’s length and the Siglo VI’s ring gauge. This cigar is Habanos S.A.’s first Petit Robusto, and we think it is a very successful new release indeed!
Tasting notes: “The cigar’s delicate sweetness harmonizes beautifully with its subtle bitter notes. Cedar and earthy aromas are underpinned by elegant spice that later gives way to fruitiness. Medium-bodied+.”
#19 | Cohiba Medio Siglo
Size: 102 x 20,6 | 4 x 52
Origin: Cuba
Wrapper, Binder, Filler: Cuba
Factory: El Laguito
Released: 2016