The brand new Veinte cigar at the Kristoff stand celebrates the company’s 20-year success story.
Light em Up Lounge – August / September
At the Light em Up Lounge, cigar lovers from around the world come together to celebrate the culture around handmade premium cigars with industry icons.
Kristoff Cigars – new lines, new sizes
Quality, consistency, availability. This has been the motto of Kristoff Cigars’ cigars since their foundation in 2004. What makes Kristoff cigars different is on the one hand double and triple fermentation. This was told by founder and owner Glen Case at the InterTabac. “Therefore, nothing bites, the cigars are sweet and gentle,” says Case. In…
New Kristoff Line Vengeance Heading To Europe
Kristoff launched their new line, Kristoff Vengeance, at this year’s IPCPR in Las Vegas.
Read the Story Behind Glen Case’s Boutique Cigar Brand Kristoff
Glen Case has been smoking cigars since his teens and spent about 18 years in the financial industry. The stress of the corporate world took its toll, and in the early 2000s, Glen decided to try something different.