In the first ever private event at the Cuban Embassy in Malaysia, The Cigar Club was honoured to organize a gathering to celebrate cigars, music, drinks, food, and the amazing culture and spirit of Cuba.
Smoking Cigars in Bangkok: Top Places to Visit
For passionados, there are a number of high-end places to indulge and escape a day of exploring Bangkok. We visited the top cigar & whisky venues in the city.
Hickory Cigar Club (NC) | Great Cigar Clubs Around the Globe
As the group approaches its 25th anniversary in 2019, the list of Honored Guests continues to grow as does the reputation of the group within the cigar industry.
Cigar Clubs Summit: Join The July 1 Cigar Party in Vienna!
On Saturday, July 1, 2017 close to 20 Cigar Clubs from several European countries will meet in Vienna to support Cigar Rights of Europe and demonstrate our right to enjoy a good cigar.
Fine Tobacco NYC – A new Kind of Cigar Club
The cigar club “Fine Tobacco NYC”, founded by Matthias Clock, is an event-based association and thus the first of its kind. It is a contemporary cigar club, where members “explore the art and enjoyment of the cigar experience.”
Kirjaclub Cigar Club in Helsinki celebrates 10-year anniversary
Kirjaclub Finland, the largest private cigar club in the Nordic region celebrated their 10th anniversary with a spectacular gala dinner and after party.