After the first release of the Masterpiece Humidor Series I, Davidoff Cigars presents the second series of twelve Masterpiece Humidors designed by Rose Saneuil.
Davidoff’s Holiday Season Gifts
For the upcoming holiday season, Davidoff offers two Trial Selections and three dedicated Gifting Selections.
Thoughts on The Chinese Cigar Market: Beat Hauenstein, CEO, Oettinger Davidoff AG
With a Davidoff Year Of The Rat in hand, Cigar Journal’s Samuel Spurr discussed the Chinese cigar market with Beat Hauenstein, Chief Executive Officer, Oettinger Davidoff AG, during the International Cigar Expo (ICE) in Shenzhen, China.
Davidoff of Geneva USA, the US based subsidiary of Oettinger Davidoff AG, announced two important changes effective today: Lana Fraser, Director Brand Marketing, has been appointed Director, Head of Marketing for Davidoff of Geneva Americas. Jeffrey Guagliardo, Director Key Accounts, has been named Director, Head of Sales for Davidoff of Geneva USA. Both Lana and…
Davidoff Exclusive Winzer Selektion 2019 – Limited Edition
Davidoff Cigars hat gemeinsam mit einer Auswahl an österreichischen Top-Winzern die limitierte Zigarrenselektion „Davidoff Exclusive Winzer Selection 2019“ für weininteressierte Passionados kreiert. Diese auf 300 Boxen limitiere Edition ist exclusiv nur in Österreich seit Juni erhältlich.
GOOD NEIGHBORS – La Casa del Habano and Davidoff in St. Petersburg
The imperial city of Saint Petersburg is today the only place on earth where a cigar smoker can comfortably walk twenty steps from a La Casa del Habano to a Davidoff store and lounge.
Davidoff And Hennessy Combine For VIP Event In Hong Kong
Last month, Davidoff and Hennessy held a combined VIP event at L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon in Hong Kong, featuring Mr. Maurice Richard Hennessy, Global Brand Ambassador and 8th generation of the Hennessy Family.
Das Ende von Davidoff Vintage-Zigarren?
Wir erleben das Ende des Vintage-Davidoff-Marktes. So lautet die erschreckende Behauptung eines Mannes, der weiß, wovon er spricht. Mitchell Orchant, Geschäftsführer von C.Gars Ltd. und Veranstalter der weltweit größten jährlichen Zigarrenauktionen.
Davidoff of Geneva USA Unveils Exclusive Indy 500 Edition
Commemorating the 100th running of the Indianapolis 500, Davidoff of Geneva USA is unveiling the Exclusive Indy 500 Edition. Known as the Greatest Spectacle in Racing, the world’s largest single day spectator sporting event will be celebrating its 100th running on May 29, 2016.