The eighth annual Daniel Marshall Cigar Lounge “Campfire” event brought celebrities from all over the world together at the Kitzbühel Country Club to enjoy cigars together.
Garage Wines from Chile and Davidoff’s Nicaragua Diadema
As part of the annual Cigar Journal Tasting Panel weekend, an exquisite quartet of wines and a special premium cigar were once again on top form.
The 2023 Smokin Tabacco Charity Raffle
The Smokin Tabacco Charity Raffle is entering its third year.
Until April 26th, 2023, cigar passionados can purchase tickets to take part in the raffle of exquisite prizes and support charitable causes.
Light em Up Lounge – March / April
Easter is just around the corner; nature slowly awakens and the lighthearted spirit returns. Thus it is time for warmer and more colorful days, ideally accompanied by a delightful cigar.
Light em Up Lounge – February / March
The first signs of spring let your mind wander, to brighter moments and colorful spots in nature. While the global Covid-19 pandemic continues to have a firm grip on our everyday life, every cigar offers a few puffs of hope, togetherness and convivial enjoyment.
The Light ‘em Up Christmas Show on December 23, 2020
The Light ‘em Up Lounge is going to be Christmassy. On Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020, cigar manufacturers, brand owners, industry insiders and cigar enthusiasts will meet for a Christmas party.
Light Em Up November
Despite the leaves proudly wearing their colorful November dress, a heavy waft of mist hangs over the roofs and the first, frosty nights herald the winter season:
Light em Up – The Show Must Go On
With over a quarter million viewers from all over the world, the leading personalities of the premium cigar world as star guests and an ever-growing community, the Light em Up Lounge has become a must-attend event in the weekly Passionado calendar.