JosĂ© Orlando PadrĂłn, founder of the world-renowned cigar brand and pioneer of the Nicaraguan cigar industry, celebrated his 91st birthday in the middle of this year. The most valuable present to mark this jubilee, however, was prepared by and for himself (and, above all, for us passionados). In line with the Cuban poet and author…
“The Sun Rises for Everyone”
Five years ago, Alejandro Mata developed the puro brand Alfambra. But his story is not the typical story of a cigar lover who wanted to create his own private brand. His roots go deeper.Â
Boulevardier in Budapest
The Hungarian capital has been celebrated as a trendy party town for some years now. The fact that guests of this extraordinary and historical Danube metropolis not only experience fast drinks and vibrating beats but can also enjoy cocktails of an international standard is mainly thanks to a dedicated bar keeper: Zoltán Nagy, founder of Boutiq’ Bar.
Plain Packaging Commences in Singapur
Singapore has enacted stringent plain packaging regulations following similar legislation in Australia and Ireland, among other countries.
From Barrel to Box
Using wood to add new flavor characteristics to beverages is not a new concept. Over the centuries, wine and other beverage producers have been benefiting from the use of wood to age and add complexity and new organoleptic characteristics to their products.
Lighting Up Right
Apart from correct storage, lighting a cigar is the most important factor that determines whether smoking is enjoyable or frustrating.
Puffing Away in and Around Mainhatten
In Hessen and in the directly neighboring Rhineland-Palatinate, very liberal laws still apply with regard to the protection of non-smokers, which means that smoking is permitted in closed ancillary rooms, in beer tents or premises that are smaller than 75 square meters (approx. 807 square feet), explicitly designated as smoking areas, and without major dining service. So there is a large number of lounges and bars where passionados can in dulge their pleasures.