Casdagli Cigars awarded the first Casdagli Cigars Specialist title to Solhøy Frukt og Tobakk, a cigar outlet in Horten, Norway for demonstrating steadfast and great support towards the Casdagli brand.
Cavalier Genève Cigars to be available in Norway
Nordic Cigars, owned by Arnt Anensen and Cavalier Genève have agreed on an exclusivity agreement to distribute the brand on the Norwegian market.
Viking Cigars: Spreading the Viking Spirit
Viking Cigars represents the nordic spirit. Embodied in three cigars. It’s about swords and schoolyard fights, an just a hint of Cuba. Arnt Ă…nensen and Hawk Aanonsen want to offer cigars for “real” men.
A Journey Through Oslo
Oslo offers many options for passionated cigar smokers. Norway’s capitals city offers tobacco specialist shops and also a cigar lounge.
Norway to Send Knut Are Hole to Cigar Smoking World Championship 2017
Augusto Cigars and SOL Cigar Co. hosted the second Norwegian Cigar Smoking World Championship (CSWC) qualification tournament in Norway on April 19, 2017.
Norway has held their first slow smoking contest ever
Augusto Cigars and SOL Cigar Co. hosted the first Norwegian Cigar Smoking World Championship (CSWC) qualification tournament in Norway on April 20, 2016.
Augusto Cigars to Host first Norwegian Cigar Smoking World Championship Qualification
Augusto Cigars and SOL Cigar Co., purveyors of fine cigars in Norway’s capital Oslo, will be hosting the first Norwegian Cigar Smoking World Championship qualification tournament in Norway on April 20, 2016.
Tournament Schedule for Cigar Smoking World Championship 2016 Revealed
More than 70 of the world’s slowest cigar smokers from over 20 countries are expected to participate at the 7th Cigar Smoking World Championship this year. Taking place from September 2-4, 2016 in Split, Croatia, the Championship is the finale of qualification tournaments held in more countries than ever this year.