Steven Kron, global head of Dunhill Cigars, introduced the Dunhill Heritage line in Bratislava on February 15, 2016. This cigar, characterized by Honduran tobaccos and its flavor, is available in Slovakia.
Dunhill Heritage to be Introduced in Slovakia
Slovakian cigar importer My&Mi will host a cigar evening with Dunhill representative Steven Kron on February 15, 2016 in Bratislava to introduce the new Dunhill Heritage line to the market.
Dunhill Heritage Robusto Box Pressed is #10 of Top 25 of 2015
The Dunhill Heritage is the first cigar ever produced in Honduras by the long-standing company; it is also the most full-bodied cigar in the entire Dunhill portfolio. It was launched in July 2015 and is manufactured at the Honduras American Tobacco S.A. in Danlí.
BAT Launches Dunhill Heritage in Europe
British American Tobacco International Ltd celebrated the European launch of Dunhill’s Heritage cigar at the company’s prestigious London showcase, 1a St James’s Street, in September.
Ten of the Best Cigar Ratings in the Cigar Journal Autumn Edition 2015
Ten of the Best Cigar Ratings in the Cigar Journal Autumn Edition 2015