Winter Edition 2012 – Cigars & Charity

cigar-journal-winter-2012-cover-cigar-charity In the 2012 Winter issue of Cigar Journal, we examine in detail the charitable projects of cigar manufacturers and other trade players: cautious estimates suggest that each year roughly $3 million is contributed to charitable organisations, with positive results in many communities.

At the same time, humidor expert Mark André writes about the results of an investigation into the effects of storage conditions on the taste of cigars, and Claudia Puszkar examines the history of what is probably the most legendary cigar factory in Cuba, El Laguito. Tabacalera, the oldest Philippine cigar manufacturer, is indicating that it intends to return to world fame and in the issue’s focal point on tobacco legislation we examine the Cigar Rights of America network and the latest plans of the European Parliament.

If you missed this edition, you can order a back-issue.

The following is an overview of the contents of the 4/2012 edition.

Cigar News
Remodeled A. Reyes Factory
Smoky Spirits
Tasting: 60 Cigars
Charity & Cigars: A Generous Passion
Airbutler: Powerful but Discreet Air Purification
Cigar Trophy 2012: The Best Cuban Cigars
Tobacco Product Directive: How to Kill Brands
Cigar Rights of America, A New Political Network
The Effects of Storage on a Cigar: Long Term Test
Estelí, The Cigar City
The Day we Were Fired Via Telex
Boutique Cigars: Tatuaje
How to Recognize Pre-Embargo Cuban Cigars
In the Tube: Cigars in Tubos
Entubado vs. Accordion Bunching: Rolled or Folded?
Cooking & Cigars: Mushrooms & Game
Cohiba Factory El Laguito
Tobacco & Arts: Diel Vaneenooghe
The Filipino Tabacalera
Daniel Marshall: A Wrapper Made of Pure Gold
Edkossner Humidors: Innovative and Extravagant
Smoking Cigars in Warsaw and Danzig
Cigar Lounges in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Brandenburg



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