Autumn Edition 2019 – Fred Vandermaliere of Oliva Cigars Empasizes, Passion & Strategy

Cigar Journal Autumn Edition 2019 As well as numerous news items about new launches, and events all around the globe, our writers offer up a concentrated charge of firsthand impressions from the cigar world, and in-depth information also in our new issue.

For the Coverstory our editor in chief visited Frederik Vandermarliere in Brussels. He is CEO of J. Cortes and, for the past three years, owner of the traditional brand Oliva Cigars.

If you missed this edition, you can order a back-issue.  

The following is an overview of the contents of the 3/2019 edition.

Smoky Spirits
Cover Story: Fred Vandermarliere
Blind Tasting: 60 Blind-Tasted Cigars
One Day in the Life of … Henry Lopez
Crossover Tasting – Rum & Cigars: Magic Taste of the Origin
Destination Vienna: Cigars in Vienna
De Los Reyes Cigars: We’re Picky!
Collectors’ Passion: Edición Limitada Habanos S.A.
Art Garcia: A Latin/European Passion
Cigar & History Cigar Box Guitar
Interview: Gercia Quiñones
Destination Azerbaijan: The Land of Fire
The Next Generation: Alec & Bradley Rubin of Alec Bradley Cigars
Cigar & Society: Not a Question of Age
Bars & Cigars: The Bar Scene in Lisbon
Cigar Knowledge: Davidoff’s Star System
Cigar Friendly: The Metropolitan Society
JRE Cigars: A Honduran Original
Vegafina 1998: The Brand’s Most Premium Line
Cigar Secrets: Behind Closed Doors
Most Memorable Cigar: Cien Años Corona, Manuel Inoa



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