JR Cigar to Release Davidoff JR 50th

JR Cigar’s 50th Anniversary celebration continues with another exclusive project from one of the most legendary brands in the industry – Davidoff.

The two companies are collaborating on an exclusive cigar to celebrate this exciting milestone with style. “It is an honor to work on this project with a company as iconic as Davidoff,” says Nick Libretti, brand manager for JR Cigar. “The blend is extraordinary, leaning more towards a modern Davidoff blend with its complexity, yet it still has that signature smoothness and perfect construction.”

The Davidoff JR 50th is hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic at the Davidoff cigar factory, where all Davidoff cigars are made. The blend uses aged Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos for the filler, followed by a rich Negro San Andrés binder from Mexico. The finishing touch is an Ecuadorian wrapper.

Offered in a 10-count pack, the Davidoff JR 50th is available in one size: 52 X 6 Toro. Only 350 of these packs are being made for this very limited project.
Priced at $33.20 per cigar; $332 per pack, this cigar will be available May 19, exclusively at www.JRCigars.com.


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