CSWC in Romania

Felix Matei is a reliable slow smoker, to say the least. Last year he broke the Romanian slow smoking record when he became the national champion for the second time in a row, despite a 15 minute penalty. This year he completed the hat-trick, once again while breaking the record, but this time without a penalty. 2 hours 34 minutes and 15 seconds is 16 minutes better than last year. Subtract the penalty and you have almost the same time. 

“His remarkable feat secured him a place among the top 20 best smokers of the season, further solidifying his reputation as a world-class competitor,” CSWC Head Judge, Marija Marovic, says. 

The competition was fierce, with Matei facing a nail-biting showdown against the formidable Matei Victor. Ultimately, it was Felix Matei who prevailed, demonstrating exceptional stamina and a deep understanding of the burning of cigar tobacco. Third position was claimed by the talented Andrei Nitescu. 

As an additional international flair to the event, last year’s second runner-up Kamer Alyanakyan from Turkey was back. This time he ended up in fifth place. 

1.     Felix Matei 2:34:15
2.     Matei Victor 2:05:06
3.     Andrei Nitescu 1:40:13

Nachdem Simon Lundh 2005 sein Ingenieursdiplom in Vermessungstechnik erwarb, entschied er sich für eine journalistische Laufbahn. Er entdeckte die Welt der Zigarren während er für eine nichtstaatliche Organisation in Estelí, Nicaragua, arbeitete und verdient seinen Lebensunterhalt nun größtenteils mit Artikeln über Zigarren, Metal Music und Tattoos sowie Reiseberichten.


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