On August 8th, 2024, the first ever Cigar Smoking World Championship (CSWC) qualifying event was held in Canada at The Smokin‘ Cigar in Toronto, Ontario.
A Perfect Night Under the Stars in Toronto
On Thursday July 18th, 2024, cigar lovers from Toronto, Canada and beyond flocked to the ‘Night Under the Stars’ event, hosted by popular Toronto-based tobacconist, Cigar Studio.
Habanos Launch Event in Toronto
On the evening of May 14th, 2024, Habanos specialist The Smokin’ Cigar Inc. in association with official Habanos distributor Havana House Cigar and Tobacco Merchants Ltd. unveiled the Vegueros Centrogordos, a new 4 x 54 vitola to the Canadian market.
The Cigar Academy
To cigar make cigar knowledge and certification available to all, Thomas Grayson and Ricardo Carioni have co-founded and launched The Cigar Academy.
Integra Boost at PCA
Vaughn Fitzgerald, National Sales Director for Integra Boost is a Las Vegas native, so his morning commute to the PCA Expo was a mere 20 minutes away in Henderson.
Integra Boost are one of two industry-leading tobacco humidity pack brands exhibiting at this year’s Expo, with available sizing that ranges from sugar packet-like 80mm sticks, ideal for 1-4 cigars, to a large 420g format for lager humidors.
Vaughn sings praises of Integra’s salt-free approach to their products, that is claimed to more effectively preserve the intended aroma of a cigar that has been tucked away to age for extended periods of time.
Joya de Nicaragua at the PCA
Joya de Nicaragua, which Nicaragua’s oldest cigar factory, has a loyal following of fans that the company refers to as “Amigos”, and thee always seems to be a gathering of Joya de Nicaragua Amigos at their booth at the 2024 PCA Expo in Las Vegas.
Plasencia at the PCA
On Monday at the PCA Expo in Las Vegas, brothers Jose and Nestor Plasencia are both smiling ear-to-ear and are buzzing about the booth because they have just been awarded the PCA Expo’s ‘Best Medium-Sized Booth’.
Ashton/La Aroma de Cuba
Based out of the city of Brotherly Love (aka, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Ashton Cigars routinely exhibit at PCA, complete with a dazzling setup that hearkens a luxury high street shopping experience.
La Galera at the PCA
New for 2024 is the Limited Edition La Galera Year of the Dragon which comes in a 52 x 6 format and features a Habano wrapper with Piloto Cubano, Criollo98, binder and filler from their Canela and Jacagua Farms.
Manifatture Sigaro Toscano at the PCA
As a perk, many of the exhibitors at the PCA Expo in Las Vegas have small coffee machines on hand to provide the occasional coffee, and, given that Toscano is an Italian brand (and the booth actually has a very sleek, European cafe-like feel to it), show goers tend to flock to the booth requesting for a coffee to pair with a Toscano cigar.
The Always Bustling
My Father booth is a large, white carpeted and white furnished affair, complete with dazzling display cases that display their acclaimed offerings as if it were fine jewelry.