Cigar Journal took a look at cigar factories around the world.
The first Covid-19 cases are confirmed in Cuba. Up to now there are no restrictions. The cigar factories are still producing. Factory tours have been discontinued. There is no entry ban for tourists, yet.
Dominican Republic
All cigar factories are open and producing.
Nicaragua’s cigar factories are still running. Hygienic protection is more important than ever, Fred Vandermarliere from Oliva and Nestor Plasencia from Plasencia Cigars told Cigar Journal.
All factories are closed.
The factories are still open.
„Our historic J.C. Newman El Reloj factory Tampa remains open. We continue to roll cigars there every day, although we have stopped offering tours and cancelled meetings and outside visitors”, Drew Newman told Cigar Journal via mail. „All of the factories are taking additional measures to promote personal hygiene and keep things clean, and the operational status of our factories may change depending upon government recommendations or requirements in the coming week“, Mr. Newman adds.
J. Cortès factory is still producing cigars, but has sent home older workers, those considered risk groups or those who have family members in risk groups. Those who are still needed in the factory and shipping department continue to work.
Sri Lanka
The factories are closed until Thursday, March 19, 2020.