In February 2018, cigar enthusiasts from all over the world will once again gather in the Dominican Republic to celebrate and enjoy the best Dominican cigars. Organized by ProCigar, an association founded by the most prestigious cigar manufacturers of the country, the festival aims to emerse visitors in the cigar culture of the country and give them one-of-a-kind insights into tobacco growing, cigar rolling and much more. Find out more about the festival, activities and schedules here.
If you are ready to travel to the No. 1 cigar exporting country in the world and meet with cigar manufacturers and like-minded cigar smokers, here is your chance to win a ticket! General admission to the festival will be closed on February 6, 2018.
The Prize
In collaboration with ProCigar, we are able to give away one festival pass (valued USD 995.-) for the 2018 ProCigar festival in the Dominican Republic held from February 18-23, 2018. The pass covers admittance for one person and includes transportation on location, dinners, cigars and tours. Hotel accommodation and air fare is not included!
The Raffle
For a chance to win the ticket, please answer the question below and submit your entry before December 29, 2017. If you are unsure about the correct answer, please visit the ProCigar website.