Following a meeting of the Council of Minister, the Dutch Government announced on 7 June 2024 that the upcoming proposal to introduce plain packaging for e-cigarettes will also include the introduction of neutral packaging for cigars citing US market developments as a justification.
Plain Packaging Commences in Singapur
Singapore has enacted stringent plain packaging regulations following similar legislation in Australia and Ireland, among other countries.
Canada’s Plain Packaging Threat – Sign the Petition By Sept. 6, 2018
If Canada’s Bill S-5 is allowed to pass, all tobacco products shall be standardized with a single color, type-face, and packaging.
Update on France’s Plans to Ban Certain Cigar Brand Names
Cigar brands whose name may connote an idea of “social standing, good life or qualities like masculinity or elegance” will be forbidden. The official decree, online since February 3, 2017, mentions every single tobacco product allowed to be sold in France.