Each year with its Cigar Trophy Awards, Cigar Journal honors the great knowledge, dedication and hard work of those working in the cigar industry.
Where to Place the Humidification System in Your Humidor
As a matter of principle, the relative air humidity in the immediate area of the humidification system is always higher than in the rest of the humidor. Consequently the distance between the cigars and the humidifier should be as great as possible.
Xikar to Bring HumiFan and PuroTemp Digital Hygrometer to Market
The new HumiFan™ Humidor Air Circulator provides intermittent air circulation to prevent stagnant conditions inside a humidor. The PuroTemp® Digital Gauge Hygrometer evokes a modern depiction of the popular retro analog hygrometer.
Cool Storage for Cigars – Part 2
With more cigar lovers using wine coolers as humidors, we set out to explore the topic of cool storage in greater depth. As long as the cooled cigar storage area is hermetically sealed from the outside environment, stored cigars are in good shape.
Current Humidor Concepts: The Cabinet Humidor
From cases to the walk-in humidor: Some guidance on the current humidor concepts. In this article Marc André addresses the concept of the cabinet humidor.