Nuzli Hakiims is a graphic designer from Singapore. He designs picture collages with cigars and creates luxurious cigar accessories.
Cigar Oasis Celebrates 20 Years
The original Cigar Oasis (now called the Cigar Oasis Excel) was released at the RTDA show of ’98 and met with great acclaim.
Travel Humidors: Types and Usability
Travelling with cigars. Here we’re talking about the well-known military-look travel humidors. To anticipate the result: If the aim is to transport cigars from A to B without damage, cases made of high quality plastic like ABS are the perfect thing.
Lighting up a Cigar: Nothing to it
Let’s be quite clear: lighting a cigar is not an art form. But, still, from time to time even experienced cigar smokers have a hard time lighting them. Reinhold C. Widmayer has seen people light their beloved cigars in the strangest of ways and wants to recap on some basics.