Autumn Edition 2010 – Heinrich Villiger: Life in Tobacco

cigar-journal-autumn-2010-villiger-cover-english Heinrich Villiger is regarded as the Grand Seigneur of the tobacco trade – we met this head of a family enterprise that operates on a global scale and talked to him about a company undergoing change, the challenges of the modern age and smoking as part of Western culture.

Tobacco Corner in the 2010 Autumn edition tells you everything about Maduros. Marc André addresses the difficulties of measuring air humidity and temperature. With the Pacific Cigar Company, we focus on an enterprise that supplies cigars to the Pacific region. We report from Nicaragua and about the Cigar Safari that enables passionados to experience the process of producing cigars at close quarters, and in Collector’s Corner we look at a particular passion: the one for historical Anillas and Vistas.

If you missed this edition, you can order a back-issue.

The following is an overview of the contents of the 3/2010 edition.

Cigar News
Smoky Spirits
Churchill-Tasting: 40 Cigars
Heinrich Villiger: Tobacco is His Passion
Temperature & Humidity: The Killer Chart
Pacific Cigar: From Hong Kong to Fiji
Tobacco & Arts: Peter Peereboom
Paper Collectibles: Cigar Bands and Vistas
Cigar Safari: Surpassing Expectations
News From Cuba
Altadis USA: Before the Gates of China
Greed, Fraud, Fear – José Gener’s La Escepción
Tobacco Corner: Maduro
Cigar Trophy 2010: The Winners
15 Years of Maya Selva: “I Fell in Love With Tobacco”
Wolfertz: Sharp Things
Pipe News
Pipe Manufacturers: Eder Mathias
Pipe Tobacco Smoked for You
Event Reviews



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