New Luxury Bundled Cigars from Eric Piras: Confidenciaal

Eric Piras, the driving force behind Hong Kong-based cigar distributors Cigraal and Bertie Cigar lounge, has released his own line of cigars.

What started initially as a private blend reserved to friends and family are now available publically in response to the enthusiastic feedback he received.

Confidenciaal Cigars are so named as ‘Confidenciaal’ is a play on ‘confidential’ (‘secret’ in Spanish), and ‘graal’, which means the ‘Holy Grail’ in French. The brand name is also a nod to Cigraal, his cigar distribution business.

“Having been in the cigar world for more than 25 years, I’ve been asked to put my name on a brand for a long time,” said Eric. “It took many trials to perfect the blend, and I’ve had the chance to get first-hand feedback from aficionados and aficionadas, as I have been selling these cigars, albeit with no brand and hence the name Confidenciaal, in my Bertie Cigar Lounge in Hong Kong.”

Cofidenciaal cigars are available in seven different sizes, all available in luxury bundles of 25 cigars. Fiftytwo, Fiftyfour, Fiftysix and Fiftyseven are rolled with a pigtail, while the Cañonazo, Lancero, and Churchill sizes features a classic cap.

“I’ve opted for luxury bundles: packaging is kept to a chic minimum, with the environment in mind, and with not bands – to allow them to be enjoyed daily with relish and no guilt. Confidenciaal cigars show medium to full body and reveal complex and refined aromas. They are designed for beginners and seasoned aficionadas and aficionados who like their cigars filled with flavours and balanced strength,” said Eric.

Although Eric is keeping the blend and origins a secret for now, he notes that the cigars feature a passionate selection of the best ‘New World’ aged tobaccos. “Silky wrappers, combined with flawless construction which delivers a perfect draw,” said Eric.

Fiftytwo: 52 x 119mm (4.6in)
Fiftyfour: 54 x 144mm (5.6in)
Fiftysix: 56 x 156mm (6.1in)
Fiftyseven: 57 x 149mm (5.8in)
Canonazo: 52 x 150mm (5.9in)
Churchill: 47 x 178mm (7in)
Lancero: 38 x 177mm (6.9)


Samuel Spurr has been Cigar Journal’s Asia-Pacific contributor since his first feature on the Australian cigar scene in 2006. Regularly writing, Tweeting, and Instagramming about cigars, he’s recognized in Australia as a cigar authority and frequently hosts cigar master classes.


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