Griffin’s Nicaragua, a new cigar line launched by brand owner Oettinger Davidoff in the previous year, now receives a new size. The new Toro vitola will be offered in boxes of 25 cigars and cartons of four with a suggested retail price of USD 12.50 per cigar.
The Nicaragua Toro will feature the same blend as the other sizes of the line. The launch in the U.S.A. is set for September. The cigar is already available in Switzerland for CHF 13.70 per cigar.
Griffin’s Nicargua
Origin: Nicaragua
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Binder: Dom. Rep. Piloto Cubano Seco
Filler: Nicaragua Ometepe Visus and Estelí Ligero, Dom. Rep. San Vicente Seco and Piloto Mejorado Seco
Toro (NEW): 6 x 50 | 152 x 21,4
Short Torpedo: 4 x 52 | 102 x 20,6
Robusto: 5 x 54 | 127 x 21,4
Gran Toro: 6 x 60 | 152 x 23,8