CigarKings meets Motorsport

Werginz-Motorsport lädt zu einer Zigarren-/Rum- und Whiskyverkostung ein.

Persönlich anwesend werden Philipp Kugler, CEO von CigarKings und Johann Galleé, CEO von Dios Tabaco, sein.  Mit beiden Zigarrenexperten kann ein Abend lang fachgesimpelt werde!

Es werden speziell Zigarren von CigarKings verkostet, Saxophonistin Daniela Krammer sorgt für gute Musik, zur Abrundung ist sogar für Snacks gesorgt.

Wann: 20.5.2022, 18 h
Wo: Werginz-Motorsport, Eduard-Kittenbergergasse 56/Objekt 9/Tor3/ 1230 Wien

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten unter: [email protected]

She learned her journalistic skills from scratch at a regional daily newspaper, for which she wrote articles for many years. Through working for the magazine Der Spiegel in Rome she had the opportunity to increase her professional knowledge in the field of media. Katja studied art history and Romance studies in Heidelberg, Palermo and Rome and, during the course of her studies, spent many years in Italy. The country was her teacher in things related to pleasure and lifestyle. She has been working for Cigar Journal since 2004. In 2010 she became editor-in-chief.


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