The Humidor KSA, the official distributor of La Aurora Cigars in Saudi Arabia, celebrated the historic launch of the iconic Dominican brand in Riyadh, marking a significant moment for the Kingdom’s emerging Cigar culture.
José Seijas, Matilde Cigar Founder, Passes Away
José M. Seijas, a cigar industry veteran and founder of Matilde Cigars, passed away at 74.
C.L.E. Very Satisfied with the International Market Development
C.L.E. owner Christian Eiroa is extremely positive about both Intertabac and the development of the international markets.
Kristoff Cigars: Continuous Growth, Also Internationally
The company is continuing to grow into the international markets by expanding their portfolio with their current distributors, and breaking ground with new distributors.
Villiger TAA 2024
In 2024, Villiger will once again have its TAA Exclusive cigar produced outside the company: this year in the recently inaugurated Maya Selva factory in Honduras!
There are many awards, but only a few are conferred by you, the consumers. The greater the suspense today, on Thursday, September 19 2024, when the winners of the coveted public awards were announced in the presence of the biggest names of the industry.
CJ Interview with Nestor Plasencia in Hong Kong
Nestor Plasencia Jr. visited Hong Kong with his team – Cigar Journal contributor Jorge Tapies took the opportunity to interview the cigar and tobacco producer.
Rodolfo „Rudy“ Padrón Has Passed Away
Rodolfo „Rudy“ Padrón, cousin of the current company boss Jorge Padrón and nephew of the company founder José Orlando Padrón, died a short time ago.
2024 PCA Releases by Gurkha Cigars
Gurkha announced several new projects at this year’s trade show.
Casa 1910 Announces Launch of New Products and the Mexigars Brand
Casa 1910 announced the launch of several new products that will enrich its lineup.
AJF at PCA: Dias de Gloria Brazil and AJF 20th Anniversary
From the AJF International side and the USA Domestic side as well, there are two big new releases showcased at the PCA this year.
Cigar Lounge 33 | Rhode-Saint-Genèse | Belgium
Cigar Journal talked with its two founders Philippe Denis and Jean-Baptiste Hakim.