Davidoff of Geneva Asia recently launched the Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed cigar at an exclusive dinner at the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong.
Ten of the Best Cigar Ratings in the Cigar Journal Summer Edition 2016
Ten of the best cigar ratings in the Cigar Journal Summer Issue 2016.
New Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed will be Available Late March in the USA
The new Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed marks the first time Davidoff introduces a box pressed cigar. The new line features some changes in the blend of the original Davidoff Nicaragua line which was voted as Cigar Journal’s Best Brand/DR in 2015.
Davidoff Announced Introduction of Nicaragua Box Pressed
Davidoff Cigars has announced its new Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed to arrive in late March 2016. The two new box pressed sizes (Robusto 5 x 48 and Toro 6 x 52) are part of the company’s Nicaragua line and will be the first box pressed cigars from Davidoff.