Winter Edition 2006 – Stella Motyka: A World of Art

Cover Winter 2006 Cigar Journal In our winter issue 2006 we met the cigar lover and artist Stella Motyka. Her art of painting several paintings at the same time points to a distinctive trait of the painter. On a leisurely afternoon in her house, the native Slovak tells us how she uses the cigar while she is devoting herself to her next work of art.

We also report on the increasing size of InterTabac, even though the opinions of the public are always negative. The history of the Fuente family and Best Places to Smoke in Portugal.

If you missed this edition, you can order a back-issue.

The following is an overview of the contents of the 4/2006 edition.

Smoky Spirits
Tasting: Vintage Cigars – Aged Tobaccos
Stella Motyka: Enjoyment as a Total Work of Art
Inter Tabac continues to grow
Cigar Trophy 2006
Rich Perlman: The American View: Do Premium Cigars Matter?
The Fuente Family Histroy
City Portrait: From Lisabon to Porto
De Olifant: Tradition Following New Paths
News from Cuba
Ventura: New Design on Time
Pipe News
Hacker’s Corner: Pipes – the Shape of Things
Price Check
Chocolate: The Goddess that Melts Smoothly
Crossover Tasting: A Double Pack of Hapiness
Bötschis Cutter: How Evil can an Aficionado be?
Events Balance Resort: Wellness with Habanos



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