Cigar Golf Club, a company that offers cigars for golfers, has launched in the USA. Cigar Golf Club is associated with Plasencia Cigars and aims to build an exclusive brand of cigars for golfers worldwide. “Our focus is to share our passion of golf and premium cigars”, says Alexandra Plasencia, CEO and Founder of Cigar Golf Club.
The company released 5 cigars in a 6×50 vitola offered in regular boxes as well as in a 5-count Cigar Golf Club Box. The suggested retail price for the Cigar Golf Club Box is US $50-$55. It contains … The Wedge, The Fairway, The Eighteen, The Driver and The Green.
Cigar Golf Club will also be offering a monthly membership program where members can sign up and receive a monthly Cigar Golf Club Box by post mail. This membership will include golf goodies and other benefits that will be announced in the upcoming weeks.