On Friday 19th June, a very interesting tasting was held on Zoom, featuring the Toscano Puccini and the products of the Silvio Carta Company.
Reserved to very few people, it was conducted by Terry Nesti, manager of Events Club Amici del Toscano, Federica Capobianco of Affinità Elettive Studio and journalist Francesco Bruno Fadda.
The tasting included three combinations, one for every third of the cigar:
- In the first third was paired a Gin & Tonic, obtained by mixing Gin Giniu of the Silvio Carta Company and a Tonic Schweppes with pink pepper, with an orange peel.
- The second third was a Saffron Negroni, obtained by mixing BitteRoma Rosso, Boigin Saffron and Vernaccia di Oristano D.O.C. Riserva 2006, all produced by Silvio Carta Company.
- In the last third, only Vernaccia di Oristano D.O.C. Riserva 2006 was combined.
The final touch was given by a splash of Sterile 85, an innovative product, also by Silvio Carta Company, which gave the two cocktails a unique aroma.