Author Archives: Nicola Di Nunzio

Classic and clear: Glass jars

In the past few issues of Cigar Journal we’ve been on the exciting discovery journey of tracing the wonderful ceramic jars – from Habanos S. A. as well as the various distributors worldwide. In this issue we’ll dedicate ourselves to the history of crystal jars, also better known as glass jars or “glass office jars.”

Davidoff: The story of a legend

To enrich their collections and supplies, many cigar lovers and collectors are always on the lookout for rare cigars or cigars that have been taken out of production. One brand whose cigars are highly sought after is Davidoff, and especially the Havana cigars from the production period in Cuba.

The history of the brand Dunhill

Alfred Dunhill entered the international floor of the cigar world in the distant year 1907, when he opened his first shop in London’s Duke Street. The store was well-stocked and, alongside Cuban cigars, also had a large selection of pipes and pipe tobacco. In view of the great response that his first tobacco store received, he decided to open a second one in London, in the Soho district.



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