The Venice Cigar Club organizes usually one cigar meeting every 15 days. The most important thing of the meeting is to smoke together and share the experience.
Smoking in a gothic atmosphere: During the cold season the club meet in a deconsecrated church of Venice, called Chapel Club, furnished as a cigar lounge.
During the warm season the club meet in a beautiful hidden garden of the Hotel Moresco, in a relaxing atmosphere, in the middle of Venice.
Further Events:
- 18th April (Nostrano del Brenta Event)
- 2nd May
- 14th May
- 30th May (Plasencia Event with Rodrigo Medina and Aniello Buonincontro)
- 14th June
- 25th June
- 10th July
- 26th July
- 8th August
- 30th August
- 11th September
The first 2 meetings will be in the Chapel Club, the others, probably in Hotel Moresco (depending from the weather conditions). Every event starts around 9:00pm, and ends at 11:30pm.