Tony Gomez in Bratislava

„When Maros ( Co-owner at Slovakian cigar distributor, My & Mi) told me there were going to be 65-70 people here I didn’t believe him, but here we are. I’m glad you all came out. Thank you.“
La Flor Dominicana’s Vice President, Tony Gomez was clearly happy with the turnout as their distributor My & Mi organized the first La Flor Dominicana event ever in Slovakia. In a casino underneath a shopping mall in a suburb to the capital Bratislava, there were actually even more than that present, around 80 people.
„It never happens in Europe otherwise,“ he says.
„There are no events during summer so now everybody wants to come,“ Miroslav Bajtos, owner of My & Mi adds.
The participants were treated to a dinner, drinks and three LFD cigars, the L-300, the El Jocko and the Cameroon Chisel.
„We’ve been selling their cigars since 2013,“ Maros Bajtos says. „Last year we doubled the sales. Now we’ll see what happens after this event.“

Nachdem Simon Lundh 2005 sein Ingenieursdiplom in Vermessungstechnik erwarb, entschied er sich für eine journalistische Laufbahn. Er entdeckte die Welt der Zigarren während er für eine nichtstaatliche Organisation in Estelí, Nicaragua, arbeitete und verdient seinen Lebensunterhalt nun größtenteils mit Artikeln über Zigarren, Metal Music und Tattoos sowie Reiseberichten.


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