Davidoff Event United Kingdom

Davidoff Emphasises its Commitment to the U.K.

An early summer’s evening and a London garden party marked Davidoff’s renewed commitment to the UK cigar market. Senior management figures – including Chief Executive Hans-Kristian Hoesjgaard and Senior Vice President Europe and Global Travel Retail, Martin Kauffman – joined 100 other cigar lovers and retailers for an evening of inventive drinks, smokes and camaraderie at The Royal Overseas League in St James’s.

“The United Kingdom is one of the world’s most important cigar markets,” said Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard. “Today marks our reorganization in the UK and the ambitious new direction through which Davidoff is breathing life into its philosophy of Time Beautifully Filled.”

Davidoff’s UK is represented in the UK by Jean-Christophe Hollay, General Manager and Vice-President Northern Europe and Country Manager Alan Graham.

Davidoff Event London 2017

Photo: Oettinger Davidoff

Nick Hammond is an award-winning writer from the UK. He writes for prestigious international titles on cigars, travel, food, drink, hotels, luxury, and more. Nick has been writing for Cigar Journal since 2010.


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