50 years Davidoff

Davidoff Cigars Celebrates 50th Anniversary

In 1968, the cigar world welcomed a new name and a new philosophy. The journey of Davidoff Cigars from the origins of its flagship store in Geneva to a global brand had begun. At the head of this journey was Zino Davidoff. It was his sense of pioneering and innovation that set Davidoff apart from the outset. His restless pursuit of new tobaccos and blends has been the inspiration for all the fine cigars that have since carried the Davidoff ring over the last five decades. 

“This is a very special year for us. We look back with pride on 50 years of creating exceptional, original cigars and accessories, but more importantly, we look forward with a great sense of exhilaration to new, unknown horizons that will bring exciting, undiscovered experiences for those who love cigars,” said Charles Awad, Senior Vice President – Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger Davidoff AG. 

Davidoff Cigars will be celebrating its 50th anniversary with a series of events, as well as specially commissioned cigars and accessories. All activities about Davidoff’s 50th anniversary will be presented on davidoff.com, and will be actively accompanied on social media: @Davidoff_Cigars | facebook.com/DavidoffCigars1911 

As part of the celebrations and for a limited time, a selection of five Davidoff cigars will carry a commemorative 50th anniversary white ring inspired by the original white ring which first graced memorable creations in 1968. The blends of these exceptional and highly acclaimed cigars will remain unchanged. 

These five cigars are: Davidoff Signature No. 2, Davidoff Signature 2000, Davidoff Aniversario Special R, Davidoff Aniversario No. 3 and Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto. They will be available at Davidoff Depositaries and Davidoff Flagship Stores in the first quarter of 2018. After Davidoff’s 50th anniversary year, the cigars will go back to their original white ring. 


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