Davidoff Year of the Dog 2018 Cigar

Davidoff Celebrates Chinese Year of the Dog With Limited Releases

To mark the Chinese Year of the Dog, Davidoff Cigars will be introducing an exclusive Year of the Dog 2018 Limited Edition cigar as well as accompanying accessories. The cigar, a Gran Churchill, features a similar blend as the previous “Year of the Snake”. Only 9000 boxes of ten cigars were made.

The Davidoff Year of the Dog Limited Edition cigars are already launched on the US market, and will be available for wider release at selected Appointed Merchants in November 2017 together with the exclusive Year of the Dog accessories. Outside the US, the products will be launched worldwide at Davidoff Depositaries and Davidoff Flagship Stores as of January 2018.


Davidoff Year of the Dog 2018

Origin: Dom. Rep.
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: Dom. Rep. San Vicente
Filler: Dom. Rep., Nicaragua
Size: 7 x 50 (178 x 19,8 mm)
MSRP: USD 39.00 per cigar | USD 390.00 per box of ten cigars
Limited to: 9000 boxes of ten cigars worldwide

Davidoff Year of the Dog 2018 Cigar Box

Photo: Oettinger Davidoff

Davidoff Year of the Dog Travel Humidor

Davidoff has also announced the release of a limited edition of their newly introduced Travel Humidor. The Year of the Dog Travel Humidor comes in a dark red perforated leather flap, and a beige fabric with a dedicated insert pocket to hold a Duocut Punch Cutter. The humidor was made in Italy and comes with a humidification system asa well as a color-coded hygrometer. Only 200 pieces are available worldwide for USD 350.00.

Davidoff Year of the Dog 2018 Travel Humidor

Photo: Oettinger Davidoff

Davidoff Year of the Dog Duocut Double Blade Punch Cutter

This limited edition of the made-in-Germany Davidoff Duocut Punch is available in a gold satin finish with a leather key holder that can be attached to the Davidoff Year of the Dog Travel Humidor, and is made in the same rich leather as the Travel Humidor. The punch cutter will cut cigars in ring gauges from 50 to 70 and 40 to 50. The limited edition carries a retail price of USD 230.00.

Davidoff Year of the Dog 2018 Duocut Punch Cutter

Photo: Oettinger Davidoff

Davidoff Year of the Dog 2018 Cigar & Accessories

Photo: Oettinger Davidoff


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