Autumn Edition 2006 – Fuente Passion, OpusX Tasting

Cover Herbst 2006 Cigar Journal Sigmund Freud is a star. The Viennese neurologist, interpreter of dreams, and “archaeologist of the soul” was also a passionate cigar smoker. Taking a clearer look at the father of psychoanalysis, it’s hard not to notice that his creative power was usually precluded by a draw on a cigar.

Fuente Fuente OpusX is the most popular cigar brand in the USA, followed in second place by Arturo Fuente. In Australia Fuentes are traded like precious jewellery, while smokehops in Europe seems to be suffering from chronic shortages.

There is no cigar in which more love, passion and emotion are invested.  

If you missed this edition, you can order a back-issue.  

The following is an overview of the contents of the 3/2006 edition.

Smoky Spirits
Davidoff Tasting: Triumph of Perfection
Coverstory: The Passion of the Fuente Family
RDTA: The Mega Cigar Trade Fair
Rich Perelman: The American View – Happy Anniversary!
Dannemann: In the Recônavo
The Big. Smoke: London
Tabacco Provenance Mexiko
Sigmund freud: On Smoking and Kisses
Bötschis Cutter: The Psychology of the Smoker
Australia: Passion at Work: Cigars “Down under”
News From Cuba
Girard-Perregaux: Manufaktur mit Potenzial
Chieftain’s: Whisky, Cigar, Tobacco and Pipe
Hacker’s Pipe Corner: The Singular Pipes of Sherlock Holmes
Ruhla: Filigrane Treasures from Ruhla
Pipe-Tobacco Smoked for You
Crossover Tasting: Tequila – The Treasure of the Agave
The Cigar Doctor



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