Have you ever bought a new cigar, set aside some of your precious time to enjoy it and… bahh, you didn’t like it?
Don’t worry, you are not alone. Cigar Sense guides you through the definition of your preferences to avoid frustrations. You can get started in a very simple 3-step process to obtain your first list of personalized recommendations by simply selecting cigars you know you like. Click here to get started for free.
If you then wish to upgrade and become a supporting member, you can continue using the “easy” method. However, most members typically get to the point in which they like to play with the intensities of the aromas and tastes they like or dislike and fine-tune their profiles manually. This level of precision and the members’ interactions with this service tool enable Cigar Sense to zero in on their sweet spot.
In addition to this important benefit, paid members also access:
– unlimited personalized recommendations
– detailed analyses for all cigars in the database
– an advanced database search, which also allows them to design their own pairings
– the ability to keep track of what they smoke and of what they liked or disliked through tasting notes, making use of aromas and tastes wheels.
You don’t need to be an expert to use Cigar Sense, but you can become one!
Cigar Sense Gustatory Fit Chart :
gold = cigar gustatory profile
green = member likes
red = member dislikes
Flavors are a key, but not the only one based on which the cigar profiles in the Cigar Sense database are matched with the individual members profiles. Over 100 parameters are used to describe every cigar profile by a team of international panelists. The company developed a set of standards that include the application of descriptive sensory analysis and a continuous education program to calibrate the panel results and eliminate as many biases as possible.
Cigar Sense is a cutting-edge and unparalleled service, committed to preserve objectivity, integrity and independence in the creation and dissemination of cigar analyses.
If you like their philosophy, give them a try and, when you upgrade to member, you can use promo code “CIGARJOURNAL30” to receive a 30% discount on the monthly membership, which otherwise costs $12.