It was a difficult decision, but the Nicaraguan Chamber of Tobacco, once again, chose to protect the health of their workers, their families and that of the visitors who visit every year the prestigious International Tobacco Festival „Puro Sabor”.
By decision of its 25 members, the Chamber agreed to cancel the edition of the International Tobacco Festival „Puro Sabor“, scheduled for January 2022.
„We certainly miss the direct contact with the Premium Nicaraguan tobacco lovers who used to visit us every year, but we decided that the health of our collaborators and visitors is more important,“ said Claudio Sgroi, president of the Nicaraguan Chamber of Tobacco.
He insisted that it was a „responsible decision and taken in consensus“ by all members that make up the Chamber, thus demonstrating the unity and strength of this union.
„We have to adapt to this new reality, this new normality, and in the last edition we demonstrated that we are capable of doing so. Thousands of Premium tobacco lovers from different parts of the world were able to listen and even talk with experts and manufacturers of the most prestigious Nicaraguan brands,“ added Sgroi.
This past festival was a groundbreaking experience in the global cigar industry, bringing together the „legends of the legends“ in 11 exciting, free sessions in which they shared their knowledge, the history of tobacco in Nicaragua, the keys to their success, as well as their plans and challenges for the future.
The sessions were moderated and presented by Reinhard Pohorec of Light ‚em Up World and Ra’ed Saqfelhait of The Leaf Master Dubai.
Despite the pandemic, the Nicaraguan Premium tobacco industry is in an enviable moment, as it has been able to maintain the quality standards and production, being able to meet all commitments to their customers and that loyal smokers can continue to enjoy.
The premium tobacco industry directly employs more than 40,000 people. To protect the health of their workers, tobacco factories have adopted strict prevention measures at their facilities during the pandemic.
The Nicaraguan Chamber of Tobacco is an organization established in 2008 that represents the interests of the most important tobacco and cigar producers in Nicaragua. Its 25 members represent 95% of the entire national production of tobacco and cigars.